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The Best Month to Sell A House in Glencoe
What is the best month to sell a house in Glencoe?
The best month to sell a house in Glencoe is influenced by the seasonality of the Glencoe real estate market. Weather, school calendars and the holiday seasons drive the Glencoe real estate market. Analyzing the historic ebbs and flows of monthly data in Glencoe real estate, reveals clear trends. Understanding these trends reveals the best month to sell a house in Glencoe and provides strategic advantages to sellers.
Let's Consider these Statistics:
- "Under Contract" Activity by Month
- Showing Activity by Month
- Total Homes on Market by Month
Monthly Under Contract Activity
The number of homes that go “Under Contract” in a given month represents the number of buyers who have made an offer that was accepted. To capitalize on the best month to sell a house in Glencoe, ideally we want your home on the market during the months when the greatest number of buyers make offers (keep in mind that buyers start shopping 30-60 days in advance of making an offer).
In 2019, March led the way with 22 "under contract" homes. April won with 29 "under contract" homes for 2018. And, in 2017, April won again with 53 "under contracts".
April wins! In 2017 and 2018, April held the highest number of offers accepted. In 2019, March was strong but May and June were equally strong. Sometimes, under contract activity tapers off through the remainder of the year but that was not the case in 2017 or even in 2019 (until September, at least).

Monthly Showing Activity
Historic showing activity provides insight into the best month to sell a house in Glencoe. We like to monitor showing activity for our listings so that we can identify any unusual trends.
Not surprisingly, showing activity mirrors the "under contract" activity with the greatest number of showings correlating with the highet number of "under contracts". Iin 2017 and 2018, showing activity was very strong in April suggesting you will benefit by listing your home by at least April when more showing activity begins to kick in.

Total Homes on Market By Month
When determining the best month to sell a house in Glencoe, consider the historic total number of homes on the market each month. In other words, this statistic demonstrates the level of competition (ie., the supply of homes) to which buyers have access.
In past years, there have been some pockets of opportunity where showing activity has been highest with a lower number of homes on the market. Other suburbs have this phenomenon occur in a more pronounced manner. While there have been ebbs and flows in past years, 2019 has seen consistent inventory levels across all months and at lower levels than in past years - suggesting some advantages to sellers with lower supply levels.

And the Best Month to Sell a House in Glencoe is. . .
If we have to pick the best month to sell a house in Glencoe, April gets the win! Of course, remember that homes priced well and in move-in condition will sell quickly and for closer to list price at nearly any time of the year. So don't worry if you must list at a different time of the year. March may be the best month to sell a house in Glencoe but it is not the only month in which many homes sell!
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Get more information about the Compass Concierge program here. If you are thinking about a spring list, get prepared now!
A Note for Glencoe Buyers. . .
Given the data, what is the best month to buy a house in Glencoe? It depends on your goals. . . A house priced well and in move-in condition will sell fast at any time of the year. Although rare to find great value and move-in ready, if you find one don't delay! It is much better to strike quickly to avoid a multiple offer situation.
The greatest number of move-in ready homes will come on the market in early spring (February - April). Of course, sellers are feeling confident at that time and buyer competition is highest so it is hard to get a good deal but you do get first pick!
If you would prefer to get a "deal", many gems can be found in late summer and early fall. Inventories are still high and buyer activity has slowed so sellers get nervous and are often more inclined to negotiate rather than carry a house through the winter. Late summer/early fall is the best time of the year to get aggressive with offer price.
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Concierge will assist you with the execution of a tailored plan for updating and staging your home for prospective buyers. Compass Real Estate will cover the upfront costs associated with home-selling improvements and collect
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