Residency Requirements for Wilmette D39 Schools

There are four elementary schools in Wilmette
As summer draws to a close, you may find that your home purchase doesn’t coincide with the start of school (which, this year is August 24, 2016). Wilmette D39 schools require proof of residency before admitting your child(ren) to school.
There are three ways to qualify:
1) Own your home within D39 boundaries (and live there – you must show proof of utilities in your name);
2) Rent a home within D39 boundaries; or
3) Live with someone who owns or rents in Wilmette (this option requires an affidavit and form to be completed).
Download this form to review the necessary residency criteria to establish: 2016-2017 Affirmation of Residency & Required Residency Wilmette schools.
Check out the D39 school boundary interactive map below and click here for the interactive school locator.

Map of District 39 Wilmette Schools.
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